What states does DIRECT MEDS RX operate in?
We operate in every state with the exception of Alabama, Arkansas, California, Hawaii, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi.
Where does my medication come from?
All of our medications are prescribed by a licensed provider and dispensed from an FDA registered pharmacy in the USA. Medications will only be prescribed after a medical screening and provider consultation.
What is included in the TRT plans that you offer?
The $99.99/mo. plan includes the following
2.5 month supply of:
- Testosterone Cypionate (*200mg/week)
- Armidex (Estrogen blocker) (If Needed)
- Syringes
- Initial consultation and follow-ups
The *$149.99/mo. plan includes
2.5 month supply of:
- Testosterone Cypionate (*200mg/week)
- HCG (*50 units/week)
- Armidex (Estrogen blocker)
- Syringes
- Initial consultation and follow-ups
*Upon approval during the initial consultation
See Pay Now page for details.
Can I receive TRT without blood work?
No. Unfortunately the only way to determine if you are a candidate for testosterone replacement therapy is through a blood test.
Do you accept the results from home blood tests?
Unfortunately not. As convenient, as these tests may be there is no way to track and confirm the identity of the one that took the blood test. Verification is necessary when it comes to blood draws and prescribing medications. Home tests cannot provide that type of verification.
Are labs included?
Labs are not included in the price of the TRT plans. That is because unlike other clinics, we give patients the choice to provide us with labs or, they can run labs through us. Our lab fee is only $129.
What labs are included in your blood panel for $129?
Our lab panel consists of:
- Total Testosterone
- Estradiol Sensitive
- PSA (for patients over the age of 40)
How often do you require blood work?
We require blood work after the first 10 weeks of treatment, 6 months after that then once yearly thereafter. The 10-week labs are very important to determine how the patient is responding to the medication and to assess if any changes need to be made to the program.
Once I sign up and choose a plan how long until I receive my medication?
After choosing a plan here you will be directed to our patient portal where you will fill out Medical forms, intake forms, upload your labs, and a valid ID. Once that is complete, a consultation will be booked and you will receive a confirmation via email. After your consultation, you can expect to receive your medication within 10 business days.
If I provide my own labs what labs are required and how old can they be?
We require the following labs that can be up to 6 months old: Total Testosterone Complete blood count Comprehensive metabolic panel Estradiol PSA (This test is also required for men over 40)
How is the medication shipped?
All of your medications are shipped via FedEx. To track your package we require patients to download the FEDEX mobile application.
How do I order labs from Direct Meds Rx?
You can order labs here and within 24 hours a lab order will be sent you to via email. You can take that lab order to any LAB CORP to fulfill the blood draw and the results will be available within 2-3 days.
What if I’m already on TRT, do I need to lower my Testosterone levels to join?
Absolutely not! If a patient is transferring from another TRT clinic we would expect their levels to be elevated. It should never be requested of a patient already on TRT to plummet their Testosterone levels to transfer to another clinic.
How do I refill my prescription?
Your medication is a 2.5 Month supply. You can refill your medication as early as week 8 on our website here. Once your refill is submitted our team begins working on your refill and you will receive a notification when it ships.
Can I Travel with my medication?
Yes, please review the TSA recommendations when traveling with medications.
How do I track my order?
Our pharmacies ship all of your medications via FEDEX. You can track your orders by downloading the FEDEX app here and registering your address with them. Once your package is processed by Fedex you will receive notifications via the app.
Is there an age restriction?
Yes, we only treat patients 24 and older.